As we head into the winter months, the Nether Swarthmore Softball League is ramping up planning to ensure this Spring is our best season yet! We made strong progress towards the batting cage last season. One major goal this off-season is to install batting cages behind field #1 at Smedley Park and we are kicking off a fundraising drive to achieve this goal. Between now and 12/15/2024, we are looking to raise $5,000 to partially fund the cost of the batting cage. If we can raise $5,000 in additional funds by 12/15/2024, the Board has agreed to fund the remaining balance for installation to occur before our Spring season begins. The success of our league is dependent on your generosity, and we greatly appreciate your consideration to contribute. These batting cages will benefit players of all ages and greatly improve player safety during practices and games.
If you would like to contribute, checks can be made out to Nether Swarthmore Baseball (and mailed/dropped off to 116 Governors Drive Wallingford, PA 19086) or you can Venmo Nether Providence Athletic Association, @NPAAbaseball-softball ( Thanks again for your consideration and helping us achieve this goal for the spring season!
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